Meet the team- Steve Pearson, Technical Sales Engineer: taking an active approach to sales

May 21 in News

Helping manufacturers to maximise the value of KYOCERA SGS cutting tools is central to the role of Technical Sales Engineer for Northern Ireland, Steve Pearson. As well as keeping customer relationships and sales figures healthy, Steve has recently undergone a personal transformation!

Keeping sales in great shape

Having played an important part in growing sales at KYOCERA SGS for almost three years, Steve enjoys the fact that there is no such thing as a typical day in his job. He says:

“There’s a great range to what I do. I enjoy going out to see customers and helping them resolve any particular problems they have. My role is all about making sure clients get the best out of our tools. So, instead of simply identifying the right cutter for the client, I advise them on the whole process. I give them insight into how to use the product, what it’s going to be running at and how long it’s going to last – everything involved with bringing out the value-added.”

Adapting to change

Steve has more than 25 years’ experience in the aerospace, automotive and oil & gas industries. From an apprenticeship at Huddleston Engineering (now Magellan Aerospace), to Technical Support and Technical Directorship roles at Rainey Engineering Solutions and then back to Magellan Aerospace as a Manufacturing Engineer before moving to KYOCERA SGS, he has seen a lot of change:

“Manufacturing keeps on advancing – that’s true for materials as well as cutting techniques. We’re proud to be able to help companies adapt in an increasingly competitive and fast-moving landscape. The team at KYOCERA SGS are always looking to identify the trends that lie ahead and meet our customers’ changing priorities.”

A healthy outlook

Looking to the future led Steve to make a significant personal change during lockdown in 2020. Inspired by his wife, Gillian, with the goal of staying healthy he succeeded in losing 8 stone 3 (just over 52.5 Kg) – and counting – during lockdown alone! He achieved it by changing his diet and adopting a more active lifestyle, starting with sessions on an exercise bike three times a week. He then progressed up to 10km three times a week and is currently on week five of Couch to 5K!

Currently at 14 stone, Steve is at his target weight and is maintaining and says that he has now lost more weight than his wife weighs! He adds:

“It has been hard as temptation is all around, but the results are showing and it feels great to get compliments. I even had to rest my Face ID on my phone as it stopped working.”

It’s not only Steve’s phone that doesn’t quite know him any more. More than one KYOCERA SGS customer has almost failed to recognise him too!

Support from Steve’s running club, Scrabo Striders, and positive affirmation from others has helped to keep him going. Another big motivator is his love of the water which led to him investing in a stand-up paddle board and a kayak. The next milestone in Steve’s fitness journey is, Covid-allowing, completing a half marathon in September!


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