Special Tools
Kyocera SGS specialise in advanced tool design known as ‘Special’ or ‘Bespoke’ tooling.
We design and manufacture cutting tools specifically to suit the customers’ application requirements. Using the latest technology in spindle monitoring and high magnification measuring equipment, we can develop tooling to suit application and material specification. When developing our solutions, we consider all aspects of tool design including geometry, carbide grade, edge preparation and coating.
Our advanced tool design and manufacturing processes can support your combination of cutting tool operations. For example, the individual tools and CNC operations required to drill, counter bore and finish ream a feature can be consolidated into a single tool. This reduces the number of tool pockets needed in the machine’s carousel, and also keeps the non-cutting time to a minimum as the spindle stays in contact with the workpiece.
Efficiency gains are significant at the stage, typically above 80 per cent for the consolidated operations.
Our Specials include the following ranges:
- Combination Tooling
- Bulb Tooling (Form)
- Dovetail & T-slots
- Form Tooling
- Taper Ball Nose Tooling
- Micro Tooling
Here are some examples of our Special Tools.