About Us
We offer our clients unique solutions and support, helping solve difficult project challenges in their markets.
Who are we?
KYOCERA SGS Precision Tools is a global ISO9001:2015 certified manufacturer of industry-leading solid carbide cutting tools.
KSPT is proud to have pioneered some of the world’s most advanced cutting tool technologies, resulting from rigorous product, coating and material testing within its Global Innovation Centre.
We have manufacturing sites in the United States and United Kingdom and the KSPT European Headquarters are in Wokingham, Berkshire, UK.
Our European office specialises in bespoke and modified tooling, which means we find design tooling solutions to optimise your manufacturing performance.
We offer a range of high-performance end mills, routers and drills.
Our core offerings are:
• Standard catalogue tools
• Modified tools
• Special tools
• Regrinds
• Coating service
In 2016, Kyocera merged with SGS Precision Tools, bringing huge success between the two companies as we share the same focus on client service, high quality products and innovative developments in our sectors.
We are very proud to live our Core Values everyday.
We are members of Industry Associations and work closely with them..
We are members of various trade associations throughout the UK and Europe. These associations give us the ability to interact with like-minded individuals and organisations where we can exchange industry information and support.
We are members of:
AMRC: www.amrc.co.uk
The North West Aerospace Alliance: www.aerospace.co.uk
GTMA: www.gtma.co.uk
MTA: www.mta.org.uk
WEAF: www.weaf.co.uk
MAKE UK: www.makeuk.org
Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce: www.thamesvalleychamber.co.uk
We are proud to sponsor and support important important projects
Bloodhound Project
We are delighted to be able to build on our long association with the Bloodhound project. We’re always working to support others to drive innovation and exceed expectations and we’re looking forward to helping the Bloodhound to drive ahead with shattering the land speed record. You can read more about our involvment here: https://kyocera-sgstool.co.uk/cutting-tools-driving-the-success-of-the-bloodhound/
To find out more about Bloodhound LSR, go to www.bloodhoundlsr.com/
Founders4Schools is an award-winning charity that connects educators with a network of inspirational business leaders, to improve the employment chances of young people. https://www.founders4schools.org.uk/
Reading UTC
We support UTC Reading, who specialises in Engineering and Computer Science for boys and girls aged 14 to 19. We offer work experience and recruit most of our future apprentices through this scheme. https://www.utcreading.co.uk/
We are Certified
Our quality management systems are ISO9001:2015 certified. To download a copy of our certificate, please click on the link: KYOCERA SGS Precision Tools Europe Ltd 10550 to 14.03.2026